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Ornithology Exchange (brought to you by the Ornithological Council)

Chris Merkord

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Everything posted by Chris Merkord

  1. The Neotropical Bird Club (UK registered charity 1040130) was established to: foster an interest in the birds of the Neotropics amongst birdwatchers throughout the world increase awareness of the importance of support for conservation in the region mobilise the increasing number of enthusiastic birdwatchers active in the region to contribute to the conservation of Neotropical birds provide a forum for the publication of articles and notes about Neotropical birds, their identification and conservation, and thus enhance information exchange in this subject area channel efforts towards priority species and sites, drawing attention to conservation needs publicise the activities of local groups and individuals, and improve their liaison and collaboration with other birdwatchers. What region does the Club cover? Mainland South America Middle America from Mexico to Panama the Caribbean islands all offshore islands associated with these areas. We publish the journal Cotinga and the birding magazine Neotropical Birding. Our Conservation Fund furthers the conservation of Neotropical birds by providing financial support to the region's researchers.
  2. Kent Ornithological Society was founded in 1952 with the express aim of recording sightings of birds in the county and to monitor fluctuations in bird populations. Throughout the years, the KOS has accumulated huge amounts of data which have proved useful when important sites are threatened with development. We work closely with the RSPB, the BTO and the Kent Wildlife Trust to endeavour to preserve as much as possible of the wonderful variety of habitats with which the county is blessed. Our data was used, for example, to help overturn plans for a huge international airport which was to be constructed on Cliffe marshes – now it's an important RSPB reserve!
  3. L'Institut Català d'Ornitologia (ICO) és una entitat sense ànim de lucre, que des de la seva creació, l'any 1975, s'ha dedicat a estudiar la biologia i la migració dels ocells mitjançant l'anellament científic. The Catalan Ornithological Institute (ICO) is a non-profit organization that, since its creation in 1975, has been studying the biology and migration of birds through scientific ringing.
  4. Objects and Purposes to encourage interest in, and develop knowledge of, the birds of the Canberra region to promote and co-ordinate the study of birds to promote the conservation of native birds and their habitat.
  5. NACWG is an organization of professional biologists, aviculturists, land managers, and other interested individuals dedicated to the conservation of cranes and their habitats in North America.
  6. La Sociedad de Ornitología Neotropical (SON) es una organización dedicada a promover el estudio científico de las aves de la Región Neotropical y de sus habitat, tanto en sus áreas reproductivas como en sus áreas no reproductivas, y a compartir de la información científica. Un método en el cual se disemina la información está a través de la publicación de la Revista de la Sociedad, Ornitología Neotropical, ahora en su décimosexto volumen anual.
  7. The Centro Italiano Studi Ornitologici - CISO is a cultural, non political, non profit association which aims at the promotion of ornithological activity and research in Italy, working in connection with University Institutes and Departments, Natural History and Science Museums, recognized ornithological association and non professional ornithologists. Instruments of this activity are : The ornithological journal AVOCETTA The Italian Ornithological Conferences CIO The Italian Ornthological Committee COI The creation of working groups and coordination research projects on specific themes in the ornithological and environmental fields
  8. The German Ornithologists‘ Society (Deutsche Ornithologen-Gesellschaft - DO-G) is dedicated to the promotion of all forms of ornithology. Founded in 1850, and now one of the oldest scientific organisations worldwide, we represent continuity and permanence.
  9. The EBCC is an association under Dutch Law of like-minded expert ornithologists co-operating in a range of ways to improve bird monitoring and atlas work and thereby inform and improve the management and conservation of birds populations in Europe. The aims of EBCC are to: Bring together ornithologists who are interested in the study of distribution, numbers and demography of European birds Encourage monitoring of bird populations and their distributions aimed at better conservation and management of bird populations. Promote monitoring that is rigorously planned with clear objectives. To monitor distribution, numbers and demography so that changes may be detected, and if possible, understood and the relevant agencies provided with sound information to base conservation and management actions Promote the development of indicators of the changing ability of European landscapes to support wildlife. Encourage communication and collaboration between organisations, institutions and individuals interested in monitoring bird populations and their distribution Promote exchange of news, ideas and expertise through its journal (Bird Census News) and through its programme of conferences and workshops. Host major international conferences on a 3 to 4-year cycle across Europe with published proceedings. Work closely with international ornithological and conservation organisations, and encourage links between ornithologists, land managers and policy makers. Encourage and create specialist working groups to tackle relevant topics Run major international projects such as the European atlases and monitoring schemes
  10. The Estonian Ornithological Society (EOS) was founded on 1 May 1921 and has acted continuously since then. In 2000 EOS became a full member and partner of Birdlife International. In December 2010 the membership of EOS exceeded 400. The Estonian Ornithological Society is a voluntary association of people interested in birds, bird study and bird conservation. Everybody who supports the aims of the Society’s activities, namely the conservation, study and popularization of our bird population, is welcomed as a member of EOS. In order to achieve our goals, we strive to improve the general knowledge of bird ecology: we deliver instructions for carrying out observations and bird study, and for analysing the results. We promote the conservation of important bird habitats and areas of vital importance to birds, and the preservation of the biodiversity of species.
  11. De Nederlandse Ornithologische Unie (NOU) is een vereniging voor amateur en professionele vogelonderzoekers en stelt zich tot doel de interactie en kennisoverdracht tussen beide groepen te bevorderen. De vereniging staat open voor alle vogelliefhebbers, maar richt zich in het bijzonder op mensen die meer willen weten over de verspreiding, ecologie en gedrag van vogels. De NOU en haar werkgroepen organiseren verschillende activiteiten, waaronder excursies en studiedagen. Daarnaast brengt de NOU het wetenschappelijke tijdschrift Ardea uit en in samenwerking met Sovon het blad Limosa. Beide tijdschriften zijn (voor leden volledig) digitaal toegankelijk. -- The Dutch Ornithological Union (NOU) is an association for amateur and professional bird researchers and aims to encourage the interaction of and to promote knowledge transfer between the two groups. The association is open to all birders, but focuses particularly on people who want to know about the distribution, ecology and behavior of birds. The NOU and its working groups organize various activities, including excursions and workshops. In addition, the NOU, the scientific journal Ardea and in collaboration with the magazine SOVON Limosa. Both magazines are digitally accessible (for full members). Formed by the merger of Nederlandsche Ornithologische Vereeniging (NOV) (1901-1957) and Club van Nederlandse Vogelkundigen.
  12. Česká společnost ornitologická je dobrovolné zájmové sdružení profesionálních pracovníků i amatérů zabývajících se výzkumem a ochranou ptáků, zájemců o pozorování ptáků a milovníků přírody. Czech Society for Ornithology (CSO) is a non-governmental organisation uniting birdwatchers, nature lovers, amateurs and professionals interested in the research and protection of birds. CSO is the Czech national partner of BirdLife International.
  13. The BTO is an independent charitable research institute combining professional and citizen science aimed at using evidence of change in wildlife populations, particularly birds, to inform the public, opinion-formers and environmental policy- and decision-makers. Our impartiality enables our data and information to be used both by Government and NGO campaigners.
  14. Established in 1997, during the first meeting of European ornithologists in Bologna, the EOU unites several hundred ornithologists from all over Europe. Any person seriously interested in the study of birds in Europe is welcome to join. The objectives of the EOU are the advancement of ornithology and the promotion of the scientific study of birds among ornithologists within Europe. To this end, the EOU holds conferences and other meetings at different places in Europe, promotes communication between European ornithologists, seeks funds to support collaboration among European countries, and engages in other activities designed to advance ornithology in Europe.
  15. Avian Science, published original papers and occasional review articles of international interest on all aspects of ornithology, theoretical and applied, but with a primary focus on the biology of European species. The journal was published in English. The first issue appeared in December of 2001. Due to various problems, the publication of the journal ceased with number 3 of volume 3.
  16. Tels sont les buts d’Aves, la principale association ornithologique en Belgique francophone, qui est partenaire de Natagora. Aves, c’est un large réseau d’ornithologues bénévoles, regroupés en sections locales, qui vous accueillent chaque semaine pour des excursions et voyages ornithologiques, des stages d’initiation, des leçons en salle et sur le terrain, des conférences, des animations scolaires, … Toutes ces activités sont annoncées dans l’Agenda Natagora. Aves, au travers de sa Centrale Ornithologique, étudie les oiseaux en Belgique et à l’étranger. Les banques de données d’observations et différentes études auxquelles participent de nombreux observateurs bénévoles, contribuent à mieux connaître la distribution, l’habitat et la dynamique des populations d’oiseaux en Belgique. Aves gère aussi la plus grande Librairie naturaliste du monde francophone et vous propose un large catalogue de matériel optique (jumelles, longues-vues, …), avec l’aide et les conseils d’un professionnel pour vous guider dans votre choix. Enfin, Aves, c’est plus d’un demi-siècle d’expérience de la sensibilisation, l’observation et l’étude des Oiseaux et de leur habitat. En effet, Aves a été fondée en tant qu’association de fait en 1953 puis érigée en asbl en 1963. En 2003, pour mieux appréhender les grands enjeux de la conservation de la nature en ce début de 21ème siècle, Aves s’est associée aux Réserves Naturelles-RNOB pour fonder Natagora. These are the goals of Aves, the main French-speaking Belgium Ornithological Association, which is a partner of Natagora. Aves is a broad network of volunteer ornithologists grouped into chapters , which will welcome you every week for tours and travel bird, introductory courses, classroom lessons and field, conferences, school activities, ... All these events are listed in the Agenda Natagora. Aves, through its Central Ornithological, studies the birds in Belgium and abroad. The databases of observations and different studies involving many volunteer observers, contribute to better understand the distribution, habitat and population dynamics of birds in Belgium. Aves also manages the largest library in the world and French naturalist offers a broad portfolio of optical equipment (binoculars, telescopes, ...) with the help and professional advice to guide you in your choice. Finally, Aves, is more than half a century experience of awareness, observation and study of birds and their habitats. Indeed, Aves was founded as an association in fact in 1953 and erected in association in 1963. In 2003, to better understand the major issues of conservation in the early 21st century, Aves partnered with Nature Reserves-RNOB to found Natagora .
  17. La Société Audubon Haïti (SAH) est une fondation à but non lucratif établie depuis juillet 2003, à l'initiative d'un groupe de professionnels préoccupés par la dégradation des écosystèmes du pays et déterminés à contribuer à leur sauvegarde et à leur réhabilitation. La Fondation est ouverte aux jeunes comme aux adultes et compte déjà parmi ses membres des écologistes, des éducateurs, des chercheurs, des représentants du monde des affaires, des membres d'associations locales, d'institutions haïtiennes et étrangères, tous désireux de s'associer à cet effort de conservation de la biodiversité de l'île d'Haïti.
  18. The journal of the RRF began publication in 1967 as Raptor Research News, which doubled as an organizational newsletter and a vehicle for scholarship. Starting with volume 6 in 1972, the title was shortened to Raptor Research, which reflected its broader scope. It was also organized into three sections: formal, peer-reviewed Scientific Papers; Reports, Reviews, and Opinion, which contained meeting reports, book reviews, and other secondary material receiving less editorial scrutiny; and Notes, News, and Queries, which contained items typically found in a newsletter. Beginning with volume 21 in 1987, the journal was renamed The Journal of Raptor Research, its current title. Like the preceding title, it is published quarterly and organized into Research Articles, Short Communications, and Letters, followed by secondary material such as book reviews.
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