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Ornithology Exchange (brought to you by the Ornithological Council)
  • About the Ornithology Exchange

    The Ornithology Exchange (OE) is an online community of individuals and organizations interested in ornithology, the scientific study of birds, maintained and managed by the Ornithological Council. Our mission is to advance the field of ornithology by facilitating the timely sharing and discussion of information about basic and applied research, teaching, conservation, and the workings of the professional societies devoted to these activities.


    While the site is managed and maintained by the Ornithological Council, the OE is a collaborative effort involving the support of many ornithological societies and related organizations. In 2023, the OE was financially supported by the Ornithological Council, the Wilson Ornithological Society, and BirdsCaribbean. In 2024, the OE is being financially supported by the Ornithological Council and our sponsors (click on Sponsors about to learn more).

    How the site works

    Here at OE, we encourage our members to create and share content.  The types of content on found OE include (but are not limited to):

    • News & Announcements. Members, including representatives from many ornithological societies, post up-to-date news and announcements about everything from upcoming meetings to grants and awards.
    • 'News from the OC' Forum. Everything you need to know about the intersection of ornithology and public policy, written by professional staff from the Ornithological Council. 
    • Advances in ornithology. Members discuss advances in the field
    • Requests for information. Members ask their colleagues questions about field or lab methods, permits,
    • Requests for assistance. Members ask for help resighting banded birds, obtaining PDFs of articles, etc. Students ask for help designing research projects or finding study sites.
    • Job Announcements. Members post job announcements for positions involving work with birds.

    Access to the site

    Access to the site is built on a tiered system.

    1. Anyone may browse the site, read the latest news or job announcements, or post a job.
    2. Members (registration is free) can join Groups, edit their job posts, and browse the member list.

    Prohibited content

    Advertising and other commercial content is prohibited. Product reviews and recommendations may be posted only by those who have no association, financial or otherwise, with the manufacturer or seller of the product or service.

    Get involved

    We rely on our members for generating content and maintaining the site. If you like the site and want to help us accomplish our mission, consider volunteering to help maintain part of the site or moderate one of the forums. Contact a member of the administrative team today.

  • If the resources provided by the Ornithology Exchange are valuable to you,  please consider making a donation to support the OE,  through the Ornithology Council's PayPal Link. Thank you for your support!

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