The Ornithological Exchange is managed by the Ornithological Council as a free resource for the ornithological community. Maintaining this online community, including the free job board with hundreds of ornithology jobs, requires a commitment of both money and staff time by the Ornithological Council. To offset some of these costs, we receive annual support for the Ornithology Exchange from sponsors. Interested in becoming a sponsor? Read the information below and then fill out this form to start your sponsorship. Questions? Contact the OC!
Our Current Sponsors -
Platinum sponsor - the Wilson Ornithological Society
How it works -
Prospective sponsors should fill out this form to start your sponsorship to let us know at which level you’d like to support the Ornithology Exchange. Sponsorships can run for the OC’s fiscal year (July 1 to June 30 each year) or for a calendar year. The sponsorship tiers and benefits are:
Bronze sponsor - $100/year. Name listed on the OE website.
Silver sponsor - $200/year. Name and logo displayed on the OE website.
Gold sponsor - $300/year. Name and logo displayed on the OE website. One featured job posting per year.*
Platinum sponsor - $500/year. Name and logo displayed on the OE website. Five featured job postings per year.*
* What it a featured job posting? Featured job postings will be indicated as such within the job board, highlighted on front page of the Ornithology Exchange, and shared on the OC’s Facebook page weekly for four weeks.