Subtitle: Journal of the European Ornithologists' Union
Sort Title: Avian Science
Title Abbreviation: Avian Sci.
Publishing Organization:
European Ornithologists' Union
Society's Journal Web Page:
Online Access: Open access to all volumes
Geographic Scope: International
Type: Journal
Status: Inactive
Start Year: 2001
End Year: 2003
Frequency: Irregular
ISSN: 1424-8743
1-3 (2001-2003)
European Ornithologists' Union
Avian Science, published original papers and occasional review articles of international interest on all aspects of ornithology, theoretical and applied, but with a primary focus on the biology of European species. The journal was published in English. The first issue appeared in December of 2001. Due to various problems, the publication of the journal ceased with number 3 of volume 3.