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Ornithology Exchange (brought to you by the Ornithological Council)

Grants due in January and February

Melanie Colón

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Here are a few grants with deadlines coming up this winter.

Association for the Study of Animal Behavior Resesarch Grant, up to £10,000 support (i) promising pilot research projects that are at too early a stage to attract funding from larger funding agencies such as the UK Research Councils, and (ii) small-scale projects, that, although worthwhile, are unlikely to attract funding from alternative sources. Grants may be made to allow the applicant to travel to conduct collaborative research, or to bring a collaborator to the applicant's institution for the same purpose.


British Columbia Field Ornithologists Research Grant, up to $2000 for groups or organizations to fund bird surveys and other ornithological research.


Centennial Pollinator Fellowship, up to $4000 for study and research that will advance the knowledge of pollinator science and increase the number of scientists in the field.


Eastern Bird Banding Association Memorial Fund Research Grants, up to $5000 to be used toward research using banding or other avian marking techniques. 


Eckenfelder Scholarship, up to $5000 to support students who are interested in pursuing a career in the environmental profession.


Frances M. Peacock Scholarship for Native Bird Habitat, up to $4500 for study areas in the United States that provide seasonal habitat for threatened or endangered native birds and to tend useful information for land-management decisions.


Kushlan Research Award, $1000–$7000 to encourage significant scientific advances in the biology, ecology, or conservation biology of wading birds (i.e. herons, storks, ibises, and their taxonomic allies).


Purple Martin Conservation Association Research and Conservation Grant, $500–$2500 to facilitate research on and conservation of Purple Martins.


Society for Canadian Ornithologists Early Career Researcher Award, honours fledgling ornithologists - in academia, industry, non-government or government agencies – that show strong potential for future leadership in Canadian ornithology. 


William B. and Mary J. Robertson Fellowship Award, ~$2000 to support the study and conservation of wildlife, habitat, and ecosystems in Florida and the Caribbean.



Want to see more, check out our database at: https://ornithologyexchange.org/funding/grants/

Note: In compiling this short list, I found several links in the database that were broken and some grant information that had changed. I updated what I found, but organizations update their websites and change their award details all the time. If you find any incorrect information or broken links in the OE database, please let me know so I can fix them. Cheers.

As always, happy grant writing.



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