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Applied Bayesian modelling for ecologists and epidemiologists

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Agency: PR statistics

Location: Glasgow Scotland

Course cost: £520

Dates: 10/15/2018-10/19/2018


Applied Bayesian modelling for ecologists and epidemiologists (ABME04) This course will be delivered by Matt Denwood in Glasgow City Centre from 15th - 19th October 2018. https://www.prstatistics.com/course/applied-bayesian-modelling-for-ecologists-and-epidemiologists-abme04/ Please feel free to share anywhere you see fit.

Course Overview: This application-driven course will provide a founding in the basic theory & practice of Bayesian statistics, with a focus on MCMC modeling for ecological & epidemiological problems. Starting from a refresher on probability & likelihood, the course will take students all the way to cutting-edge applications such as state-space population modelling & spatial point-process modelling and will be of interest to anyone studying population ecology of marine mammals. By the end of the week, you should have a basic understanding of how common MCMC samplers work and how to program them, and have practical experience with the BUGS language for common ecological and epidemiological models. The experience gained will be a sufficient foundation enabling you to understand current papers using Bayesian methods, carry out simple Bayesian analyses on your own data and springboard into more elaborate applications such as dynamical, spatial and hierarchical modelling.

Intended Audience: Research postgraduates, practicing academics and primary investigators in ecology and epidemiology and professionals in government and industry.

Oliver Hooker

+44 (0) 7966500340





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