Melanie Colón Posted January 25, 2018 Posted January 25, 2018 Ecological niche modelling using R (ENMR02) March 2018 - 16th March 2018Course Overview:The course will cover the base theory of ecological niche modelling and itsmain methodologies. By the end of this 5-day practical course, attendeeswill have the capacity to perform ecological niche models and understandtheir results, as well as to choose and apply the correct methodologydepending on the aim of their type of study and data.Ecological niche, species distribution, habitat distribution, or climaticenvelope models are different names for similar mechanistic or correlativemodels, empirical or mathematical approaches to the ecological niche of aspecies, where different types of ecogeographical variables (environmental,topographical, human) are related with a species physiological data orgeographical locations, in order to identify the factors limiting anddefining the species’ niche. ENMs have become popular due to the need forefficiency in the design and implementation of conservation management.The course will be mainly practical, with some theoretical lectures. Allmodelling processes and calculations will be performed with R, the freesoftware environment for statistical computing and graphics( Attendees will learn to use modellingalgorithms like Maxent, Bioclim, Domain, and logistic regressions, and Rpackages for computing ENMs like Dismo and Biomod2. Also, students willlearn to compare different ecological niche models using the Ecospatpackage.Monday 12th – Classes from 09:00 to 17:00Elementary concepts on Ecological Niche ModellingModule 1: Introduction to ENM theory. Definition of ecological niche model;introduction to species ecological niche theory, types of ecologicalniches, types of ENM, diagram BAM, ENMs as approximations to species’niches.Module 2: Problems and limitations on ENM. Assumptions and uncertainties,equilibrium concept, niche conservatism, autocorrelation and intensity,sample size, correlation of environmental variables, size and form of studyarea, thresholds, model validation, model projections.Module 3: Methods on ENM. Mechanistic and correlative models. OverlapAnalysis, Biomod, Domain, Habitat, Distance of Mahalanobis, ENFA, GARP,Maxent, Logistic regression, Generalised Linear Models, GeneralisedAdditive Models, Generalised Boosted Regression Models, Random Forest,Support Vector Machines, Artificial Neural Network.Module 4: Conceptual and practice steps to calculate ENM. How to make anENM step-by-step.Module 5: Applications of ENM. Ecological niche identification,Identification of contact zones, Integration with genetical data, Speciesexpansions, Species invasions, Dispersion hypotheses, Species conservationstatus, Prediction of future conservation problems, Projection to futureand past climate change scenarios, Modelling past species, Modellingspecies richness, Road-kills, Diseases, Windmills, Location of protectedareas.Tuesday 13th – Classes from 09:00 to 17:00Prepare environmental variables and run ecological niche models with dismopackage.Module 6: Preparing variables. Choosing environmental data sources,Downloading variables, Clipping variables, Aggregating variables, Checkingpixel size, Checking raster limits, Checking NoData, Correlating variables.Module 7: Dismo practice. How to run an ENM using the R package dismo.Wednesday 14th – Classes from 09:00 to 17:00Run ecological niche models with Biomod2 package and Maxent.Module 8: Biomod2 practice. How to run an ENM using the R package Biomod2.Module 9: Maxent practice. How to run an ENM using the R packages dismo andBiomod2 as well as Maxent software.Thursday 15th – Classes from 09:00 to 17:00Compare ecological niche models with ecospat.Module 10: Ecospat practice. Compare statistically two different ecologicalniche models using the R package Ecospat.Module 11: Students’ talks. Attendees will have the opportunity to presenttheir own data and analyse which is the best way to successfully obtain anENM.Friday 16th – Classes from 09:00 to 16:00Run ecological niche models with your own data.Module 12: Final practical. In this practical, the students will run ENMwith their own data or with a new dataset, applying all the methods showedduring the previous days.1. January 29t – February 2nd 2018INTRODUCTION TO BAYESIAN HIERARCHICAL MODELLING (IBHM02)SCENE, Scotland, Dr. Andrew Parnell January 29th – February 2nd 2018PHYLOGENETIC DATA ANALYSIS USING R (PHYL02)SCENE, Scotland, Dr. Emmanuel Paradis February 19th – 23rd 2018MOVEMENT ECOLOGY (MOVE01)Margam Discovery Centre, Wales, Dr Luca Borger, Dr Ronny Wilson, DrJonathan Potts February 19th – 23rd 2018GEOMETRIC MORPHOMETRICS USING R (GMMR01)Margam Discovery Centre, Wales, Prof. Dean Adams, Prof. Michael Collyer,Dr. Antigoni Kaliontzopoulou March 5th - 9th 2018SPATIAL PRIORITIZATION USING MARXAN (MRXN01)Margam Discovery Centre, Wales, Jennifer McGowan March 12th - 16th 2018ECOLOGICAL NICHE MODELLING USING R (ENMR02)Glasgow, Scotland, Dr. Neftali Sillero March 19th – 23rd 2018BEHAVIOURAL DATA ANALYSIS USING MAXIMUM LIKLIHOOD IN R (BDML01)Glasgow, Scotland, Dr William Hoppitt April 9th – 13th 2018NETWORK ANAYLSIS FOR ECOLOGISTS USING R (NTWA02Glasgow, Scotland, Dr. Marco Scotti April 16th – 20th 2018INTRODUCTION TO STATISTICAL MODELLING FOR PSYCHOLOGISTS USING R (IPSY01)Glasgow, Scotland, Dr. Dale Barr, Dr Luc Bussierre April 23rd – 27th 2018MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS OF ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITIES USING THE VEGAN PACKAGE(VGNR01)Glasgow, Scotland, Dr. Peter Solymos, Dr. Guillaume Blanchet April 30th – 4th May 2018QUANTITATIVE GEOGRAPHIC ECOLOGY: MODELING GENOMES, NICHES, AND COMMUNITIES(QGER01)Glasgow, Scotland, Dr. Dan Warren, Dr. Matt Fitzpatrick May 7th – 11th 2018 ADVANCES IN MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS OF SPATIALECOLOGICAL DATA USING R (MVSP02)CANADA (QUEBEC), Prof. Pierre Legendre, Dr. Guillaume Blanchet May 14th - 18th 2018INTRODUCTION TO MIXED (HIERARCHICAL) MODELS FOR BIOLOGISTS (IMBR01)CANADA (QUEBEC), Prof Subhash Lele May 21st - 25th 2018INTRODUCTION TO PYTHON FOR BIOLOGISTS (IPYB05)SCENE, Scotland, Dr. Martin Jones May 21st - 25th 2018INTRODUCTION TO REMOTE SENISNG AND GIS FOR ECOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS (IRMS01)Glasgow, Scotland, Prof. Duccio Rocchini, Dr. Luca Delucchi May 28th – 31st 2018STABLE ISOTOPE MIXING MODELS USING SIAR, SIBER AND MIXSIAR (SIMM04)CANADA (QUEBEC) Dr. Andrew Parnell, Dr. Andrew Jackson May 28th – June 1st 2018ADVANCED PYTHON FOR BIOLOGISTS (APYB02)SCENE, Scotland, Dr. Martin Jones June 12th -0 15th 2018SPECIES DISTRIBUTION MODELLING (DBMR01)Myuna Bay sport and recreation, Australia, TBCCOMING SOON www.PRstatistics.com19. November 6th – 10th 2017LANDSCAPE GENETIC DATA ANALYSIS USING R (LNDG03)Myuna Bay sport and recreation, Australia, TBCCOMING SOON www.PRstatistics.com20. June 18th – 22nd 2018STRUCTURAL EQUATION MODELLING FOR ECOLOGISTS AND EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGISTSUSING R (SEMR02)Myuna Bay sport and recreation, Australia, TBCCOMING SOON July 2nd - 5th 2018SOCIAL NETWORK ANALYSIS FOR BEHAVIOURAL SCIENTISTS USING R (SNAR01)Glasgow, Scotland, Prof James Curley July 8th – 12th 2018MODEL BASE MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS OF ABUNDANCE DATA USING R (MBMV02)Glasgow, Scotland, Prof David Warton July 16th – 20th 2018PRECISION MEDICINE BIOINFORMATICS: FROM RAW GENOME AND TRANSCRIPTOME DATATO CLINICAL INTERPRETATION (PMBI01)Glasgow, Scotland, Dr Malachi Griffith, Dr. Obi Griffith July 23rd – 27th 2018EUKARYOTIC METABARCODING (EUKB01)Glasgow, Scotland, Dr. Owen Wangensteen Hooker PhD.PR statistics2017 publications -Ecosystem size predicts eco-morphological variability in post-glacialdiversification. Ecology and Evolution. In press.The physiological costs of prey switching reinforce foragingspecialization. Journal of animal Hope Park CrescentEdinburghEH8 9NA+44 (0) 7966500340
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