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Neotropical Bird Club Conservation Awards Programme: deadline 1 January

Melanie Colón

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From Chris Sharpe as posted on NEOORN-L listserv:


Neotropical Bird Club invites Neotropical nationals or residents to submit proposals for funding to our Conservation Awards Programme. Grants of $1,500–$5,000 are available. Thanks to a new donor, we now offer a specific grant of up to $5000 for projects in SE Brazil. For funding criteria and further details, please visit our Conservation Awards Programme web page. The deadline for the next round of grants is 1 January 2018, and decisions are normally notified within two months.


During 2017 we were able to finance 14 projects to a total of $37,487. Amongst the threatened species benefiting from NBC-CAP this year were: Black-capped Petrel Pterodroma hasitata (EN), Black-fronted Piping-guan Aburria jacutinga (EN), Sapphire-bellied Hummingbird Lepidopyga lilliae (CR), Great Green Macaw Ara ambiguus (EN), Grey-cheeked Parakeet Brotogeris pyrrhoptera (EN), Peruvian Plantcutter Phytotoma raimondii (EN), Masafuera Rayadito Aphrastura masafuerae (CR), Recurve-billed Bushbird Clytoctantes alixii (EN). We also funded work on Grenadian birds, Venezuelan Psittacids and research into declines of terrestrial insectivores. Many of the recipients will be members of this list.

Details of projects financed is published annually in Neotropical Birding magazine, while an analysis of awards granted during the period 2001–2009 is available as a PDF.  We are very grateful to all who donate to the NBC Conservation Fund.


Best wishes, Chris

Neotropical Bird Club Conservation Awards Programme
Web: http://www.neotropicalbirdclub.org/conservation/conservation-fund/
E-mail: NBCawards@gmail.com


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