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Learn R Bootcamp - Juneau, Alaska March 2017

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Learn R Boot Camp
Monday, March 13, 2017 8:00 AM -
Friday, March 17, 2017 4:30 PM (Alaska Time)

Federal NOAA conference room 256
Juneau, Alaska
United States

*Course Description*

The statistical language R is open-source software, freely available and
computer platform-independent. R is well supported by an extensive
community and is powerful enough to thoroughly analyze even the most
complicated experimental design. As such, a foundation in the use of R will
provide a researcher with the wherewithal for all future data analysis

This R Boot Camp will be 5 days of hands-on work with R, providing
participants with both the basics of using R (data manipulation, graphing,
standard statistics) and the know-how to tap into the extensive resources
available so they are empowered for future analysis needs.

By the end of the workshop participants can expect to be fully competent in
using the software R to analyse any type of data and to produce publication
quality figures.

This course is limited to 15 participants, and currently only has a couple
of spaces left. Register early:


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