Melanie Colón Posted February 24, 2017 Posted February 24, 2017 Learn R Boot CampMonday, March 13, 2017 8:00 AM -Friday, March 17, 2017 4:30 PM (Alaska Time)Federal NOAA conference room 256Juneau, AlaskaUnited States*Course Description*The statistical language R is open-source software, freely available andcomputer platform-independent. R is well supported by an extensivecommunity and is powerful enough to thoroughly analyze even the mostcomplicated experimental design. As such, a foundation in the use of R willprovide a researcher with the wherewithal for all future data analysisneeds.This R Boot Camp will be 5 days of hands-on work with R, providingparticipants with both the basics of using R (data manipulation, graphing,standard statistics) and the know-how to tap into the extensive resourcesavailable so they are empowered for future analysis needs.By the end of the workshop participants can expect to be fully competent inusing the software R to analyse any type of data and to produce publicationquality figures.This course is limited to 15 participants, and currently only has a coupleof spaces left. Register early:
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