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Ornithology Exchange (brought to you by the Ornithological Council)

Webinar on International Research Funding

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Have an interest in pursuing science outside of the U.S.? Tune in for a
discussion of opportunities to do research or to train abroad. A panel of
experts will provide details about programs that enable researchers from
the U.S. to collaborate internationally. Panelists will discuss programs
through the National Science Foundation, the Fulbright Scholar Program, and
the German Research Foundation.

This webinar is part of the American Institute of Biological Sciences
Leadership in Biology webinar series. The event is free and open to the
public due to the sponsorship of Burk Inc. It will be held on 13 January
2017 at 1 pm (Eastern).

Register at
Julie Palakovich Carr
Public Policy Manager
American Institute of Biological Sciences
1201 New York Avenue, NW
Suite 420
Washington, DC 20005

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