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Statistics for Ecology & Cons Bio: SMSC course starts 2/27

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Graduate/Professional Training - Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation, Front Royal, VA, USA

Statistics for Ecology and Conservation Biologyhttp://smconservation.gmu.edu/programs/graduate-and-professional/professional-training-courses/mccs-0501-statistics-for-ecology-and-conservation-biology/>
February 27-March 10, 2017 Spaces still available-apply now!
Gain in-depth knowledge of analysis techniques for cutting-edge ecological research, employing R: classical regression models; mixed models; generalized linear models; how to deal with the limitations of real datasets; and conservation-specific approaches. Participants learn how to choose appropriate analyses for different research questions, and about the assumptions underlying each model. Through the lectures and hands-on exercises participants learn how to design their own studies, explore their data, perform a range of analyses, understand fitted models, and clearly explain their results. By the end of the course, participants will be able to conduct sophisticated statistical analyses, critically evaluate statistics-based material in current research literature, and deal with the limitations of real datasets in the context of conservation science. Some prerequisites. For details, visit Statistics for Ecology and Conservation Biologyhttp://smconservation.gmu.edu/programs/graduate-and-professional/professional-training-courses/mccs-0501-statistics-for-ecology-and-conservation-biology/>

Additional Upcoming Courses:

* Non-Invasive Techniques and Applications in Wildlife Endocrinologyhttp://smconservation.gmu.edu/programs/graduate-and-professional/professional-training-courses/endocrinology/> (March 13-24, 2017) New Course!
* Field Recording and Analysis of Biological Sounds for Research and Conservationhttp://smconservation.gmu.edu/programs/graduate-and-professional/professional-training-courses/field-recording-and-analysis-of-biological-sounds-for-research-and-conservation/> (May 1-12, 2017) New Course!
* Practical Zoo Nutrition Managementhttp://smconservation.gmu.edu/programs/graduate-and-professional/professional-training-courses/nutrition/> (June 5-9, 2017)
* Camera Trapping Study Design and Data Analysis for Occupancy and Density Estimationhttp://smconservation.gmu.edu/programs/graduate-and-professional/professional-training-courses/cameratraps/> (June 19-30, 2017)


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