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Support Available for Activities at the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis

Melanie Colón

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*/Deadline Approaching! /**Support Available for Activities at the
National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis*
*September 1, 2016 is the deadline for requests for support for Working
Groups and Investigative Workshops beginning six months later at the
National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS).
All areas of research at the interface of biology and mathematics will
be considered, but we are especially interested in activities expanding
beyond the areas of research supported to date. Potential organizers of
activities in areas of molecular biology, cell biology, network biology,
immunology and systems biology are particularly encouraged to submit
requests for support of Working Groups or Investigative Workshops.
NIMBioS, located at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville, is an
NSF-sponsored initiative to foster interdisciplinary research at the
interface between mathematical and biological sciences. The institute's
mission is to cultivate cross-disciplinary approaches in mathematical
biology and to develop a cadre of researchers who address fundamental
and applied biological problems in creative ways. Additional support for
NIMBioS comes from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. More details
are posted at http://www.nimbios.org/research/support

*Related Links:*
NIMBioS Working Groups http://www.nimbios.org/workinggroups/
NIMBioS Investigative Workshops http://www.nimbios.org/workshops/


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