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NCEP Conservation Teaching and Learning Studio - June 15-17

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The Network of Conservation Educators and Practitioners (NCEP) is excited to announce a call for applications for our Conservation Teaching and Learning Studio: Developing and assessing student skills in conservation teaching. Please share this email with any and all colleagues you think may be interested in attending this year’s event!

Conservation Teaching and Learning Studio: Developing and assessing student skills in conservation teaching

Studio dates & location: June 15-17 @ the American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY

Application deadline: April 11

The Network of Conservation Educators and Practitioners (NCEPhttp://www.amnh.org/our-research/center-for-biodiversity-conservation/capacity-development/network-of-conservation-educators-and-practitioners-ncep>)’s Conservation Teaching and Learning Studios convene small teams of post-secondary or adult educators in intensive workshops to exchange teaching strategies, train in evidence-based pedagogical approaches, and develop teaching resources to be featured in the NCEP module collection.

Our next Studio will take place on June 15-17 at the American Museum of Natural History in New York, and will focus on strategies for developing and assessing professional skills, such as oral communication, critical, and systems thinking, in conservation students. Over two and a half days, you will have a chance to learn about effective tools and approaches from peers and investigators leading NSF-funded research on education. Faculty training will focus on scientific teaching and aligning assessment techniques to desired student learning outcomes. You will have a chance to practice and apply these

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