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Graduate Workshop on Environmental Data Analytics

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Third Annual Graduate Workshop on Environmental Data Analytics - July 25-

29, 2016, NCAR, Boulder CO.




This workshop series is designed to help prepare the next generation of

researchers and practitioners to work within, and contribute to, the data-

rich era. Each workshop will bring together graduate students and senior

scientists in environmental statistics and related fields to explore

contemporary topics in applied environmental data modeling.


The workshop will consist of hands-on computing and modeling tutorials,

presentations from graduate student participants, and invited talks from

early career and established leaders in environmental data modeling.

Tutorials and invited talks will address useful ideas and tools directly

applicable to student participants' current and future research.


Workshop participants will:


*Develop new modeling and computing skills through hands-on analyses and

lectures led by quantitative scientists


*Share research findings and explore open questions within and at the

interface of environmental, ecological, climatic, and statistical sciences


*Learn about the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and

National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) data resources that can

facilitate scientific discovery


Workshop tutorials:


*Climate data analytics: Doug Nychka, Institute for Mathematics Applied to

Geosciences, NCAR


*Introduction to Bayesian statistics and modeling for environmental and

ecological data: Alix Gitelman, Department of Statistics, Oregon State



*Hierarchical models for spatio-temporal data analysis: Andrew Finley,

Department of Forestry, Michigan State University


Twenty five graduate students in environmental, ecological, climatic, and

statistical science fields will be selected to participate in this year's

week-long workshop.


There is no registration fee. Lodging will be at CU-Boulder Bear Creek

apartments and daily transportation to NCAR Mesa Lab and NEON is covered by

the sponsors (NSF, NCAR, IMAGe, and SAMSI). Participants will only be

responsible for travel to Boulder and meals.


Application materials are due April 8 and notification will occur around

April 15. Please see www2.cisl.ucar.edu/events/workshops/3rd-data-analytics

for application details.


Please email Andrew Finley finleya@msu.edu with any questions.

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