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Workshop: R Basics - May 16, 17 and 18 - St. Louis, MO

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R BASICS WORKSHOP. May 16, 17, AND 18, 2016. ST. LOUIS, MO.

Website: http://rbasicsworkshop.weebly.com/Center for Conservation and Sustainable DevelopmentMissouri Botanical Garden

Overview: The R programming language has gained widespread acceptance in many branches of biology, becoming a lingua franca and an almost indispensable tool. Its popularity is, at least in part, a consequence of its free distribution and enormous flexibility. R can perform a broad and ever-growing range of data-manipulation tasks, analyses and graphics. This introductory workshop is not focused on specific applications of R. Instead, the objective of the workshop is to teach the basic knowledge necessary to use R independently, helping participants initiate their own process of learning the specific tools needed for their research.

The workshop is intended for researchers in ecology, evolution, conservation or systematics, at any stage of their careers, including advanced undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs, faculty and scientists at research institutions. The workshop will emphasize programming concepts, and will include practical exercises and some directed lectures. The workshop is designed so that even people with no previous experience can learn R, but it will likely be most useful to those who have just started to learn the language and are wrestling with the basics.
Like R, the workshop is free of charge!
Instructors: Sebastian Tello and Ivan Jimenez

Website and syllabus: http://rbasicsworkshop.weebly.com/

How to apply: To apply, compile the following information into a single-page PDF or WORD document:1. Name & e-mail address.2. Current status: undergraduate, graduate student, postdoc, faculty, or research staff.3. Institutional affiliation & department.4. Description of your research interests & goals for the workshop (500 words max.).5. Experience with R: None, low, medium or high (choose one).

Send your application by March 15, 2016 to Sebastian Tello (jsebastiantello@gmail.com) or Ivan Jimenez (ivan.jimenez@mobot.org). Applicants will receive a reply by April 1, 2016. All participants are required to bring their own laptop computers. Computers must have R installed. The workshop is limited to 25 participants.

Dates, times and location: The 3-day workshop will take place between May 16 and 18 in room 126 of the CBEC Building at the Missouri Botanical. Each day, there will be two sessions, one between 8:00 am and noon, and another between 1:30 pm and 5:00 pm.

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