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Meeting:9th International Association of Landscape Ecology World Congress: Crossing Scales, Crossing Borders: Global Approaches to Complex Challenges

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Meeting Description: In 2015, 5-10th July, there will be a joint meeting between the International Association of Landscape Ecology World Congress (WC) and the US chapter of IALE (US-IALE). Portland offers numerous amenities that will ensure an excellent and efficient meeting. The city is widely recognized for its commitment to sustainability and progressive land use planning. Portland is rich in parks and has numerous outdoor recreation areas and opportunities for scientific excursions (below). In addition, Portland is easy to access with direct connections to Tokyo, Amsterdam, and most major U.S. and Canadian cities. Portland also offers excellent light rail and street car connections throughout the city.


This meeting is important to develop links with other networks. In particular, the IALE WC open unique opportunities within the framework of our Forest Landscape Ecology Working Party in order to bridge the gap and enhance the common activities in between IALE and IUFRO as expressed in our aims. Enter the date in your calendars!


Lead Organizers: Dr. Vivek Shandas (Portland State University) and Dr. Anita Morzillo (University of Connecticut).


Program Committee: The Program Committee will be chaired by Robert Scheller (Portland State University) and includes Hong He (University of Missouri), Jennifer Allen, and Geoffrey Duh (PSU).


Venue: The Portland Hilton has been selected as the meeting location. The Hilton is located downtown with excellent access to the airport via light rail.


Scientific Excursions: Portland has ready access to some of the most diverse and scenic landscapes in the Pacific Northwest and we foresee many informative field trips. Some examples: A tour of the Columbia River Gorge; assessment of urban growth boundaries, successes and challenges; managing growth along the Oregon coast and Willamette watershed; touring disturbance recovery at Mt. St. Helens; visiting the HJ Andrews LTER Site. Shorter excursions may include visits to Forest Park, Bonneville Dam, bicycling along the Willametter River, and others.


Meeting Theme: Crossing Scales, Crossing Borders: Global Approaches to Complex Challenges


Meeting Website: http://www.ialeworldcongress.org


Click here to view the meeting

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