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Writing for Env Professionals - Duke Univ. online short course June 2014

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Registration is now OPEN for "Writing for Environmental Professionals", an online course held June 2 - July 11, 2014. The weekly synchronous class sessions are led by Dr. Nicolette Cagle of Duke University. Classmates from around the world form a supportive, close-knit cohort for peer review and discussion. Our class size is small (http://nicholas.duke.edu/del/writing-environmental-professionals. Scholarship opportunities available for teachers/educators through our CATES Fundinghttp://nicholas.duke.edu/del/cates-program>. Discounted tuition rate available for all Duke Alumni. Learn more about what this course has done for past participants in a DEL blog article here: http://sites.nicholas.duke.edu/delnewsletter/2014/03/17/becky-s/ Questions? Contact DEL: del@nicholas.duke.edu; (919)613-8082; @DEL_Dukehttps://twitter.com/DEL_Duke>

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