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Summer Courses at Highlands Biological Station

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Highlands Biological Station, in the beautiful southern Blue Ridge Mountains in Highlands, NC, is

offering the following summer courses and workshops. Two-week courses are 3 credit hours for

$700. One-week workshops are $350 and 1 credit hour. Limited financial aid is available.

Inexpensive housing is available at Highlands Biological Station. For more information (detailed

descriptions, pre-requisites, etc.) and to apply, visit

www.highlandsbiological.org/summercourses/, e-mail kkandl@email.wcu.edu or

msruigrok@email.wcu.edu, or call (828) 526-2602.




Biology & Conservation of Birds

May 12-24 Dr. Richard Bierregaard, UNC-Charlotte


Mammals of the Southern Appalachians

May 26-June 7 Dr. Edward B. Pivorun, Clemson University


Climate Change Ecology

May 26-June 7 Dr. Robert J. Warren, Buffalo State University


Field Methods in Medical Entomology

June 9-21 Dr. Brian Byrd, Western Carolina University (WCU)


Biology of Plethodontid Salamanders

June 9-21 Dr. Joseph Pechmann, WCU & Dr. Kenneth Kozak, University of Minnesota


Biology of Southern Appalachian Fishes

June 23-July 5 Dr. Mollie Cashner, Austin Peay State University (APSU)


Conservation Genetics of Salamanders

July 7-19 Dr. Joseph Apodaca, Warren Wilson College


Spiders of the Southern Appalachians

July 7-19 Dr. Kefyn Catley, WCU


Southern Appalachian Mayflies, Stoneflies & Caddisflies

July 21-Aug. 2; or Aug. 4-16 Dr. John Morse, Clemson University


Fleshy Fungi of the Highlands Plateau

Aug. 4-16 Dr. Andrew S. Methven, Eastern Illinois University




Introduction to Natural Science Illustration

May 5-9 Dr. Lore Ruttan, Lore Ruttan Illustration

Sedges (Carex) of the Southern Appalachians

May 19-23 Dr. Dwayne Estes, APSU & The Botanical Research Institute of Texas


Literary Journeys Through the Western North Carolina Landscape

June 2-6 Mr. Brent Martin, Wilderness Society


Shrubs of the Southern Appalachians

July 21-25 Dr. Larry Mellichamp, UNC-Charlotte


Biology and Identification of Butterflies & Moths

July 21-25 Dr. David Alsop, Queens College


Introduction to Southern Appalachian Insects

July 28-Aug. 1 Dr. David Alsop, Queens College


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