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Modern Statistical Methods for Ecology, September 7-10, 2014

Melanie Colón

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The Department of Statistics at Colorado State University will host the 2014 joint Graybill/ENVR Conference on “Modern Statistical Methods for Ecology” in Fort Collins during September 7-10, 2014. The focus of the conference is on new developments in statistical ecology, broadly defined. The conference is jointly sponsored by CSU, for which this is the 12th Graybill Conference, and the American Statistical Association’s section on Statistics for the Environment (ENVR), which has hosted biennial workshops since 2000. The program consists of a short course,invited plenary talks, contributed poster session and student poster competition. It is the aim of the conference to bring together a wide range of researchers, practitioners, and graduate students whose work is related to the conference theme in a wide sense.


Topics of interest:


Capture-recapture analysis

Distance sampling

Animal movement models

Occupancy models

Spatial models for ecology


Ecosystem modeling

Multi-scale models

Population dynamics modeling

Wildlife disease modeling

Species distribution models

Demographic modeling

Multimodel inference

and much more in this diverse field


The conference will bring together some of the top researchers in this area, and the topics of the presentations will range from general overviews of relevant statistical material to more specialized presentations of current statistical developments. There will be no concurrent sessions, providing attendees with the opportunity to see any talks that interest them. The focused yet relaxed nature of the conference will allow for concentrated discussion and interaction among the participants. Following the conference, there will be opportunities for various outdoor activities in the region, including the beautiful Rocky Mountains.


Keynote Speakers:


David Borchers, University of St. Andrews

Anne Chao, National Tsing Hua University

Jim Clark, Duke University

Jay Ver Hoef, US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Jun Zhu, University of Wisconsin

Student Poster Competition: In order to encourage students to participate, we are planning a student poster competition, with the winners receiving travel support awards.


Short course: September 7


Hierarchical Random Effects Models Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo

Andrew Finley, Michigan State University


If you have questions about the conference, send an email to GraybillConference@Stat.ColoState.Edu


We look forward to welcoming you in Fort Collins and Northern Colorado!


A complete list of invited speakers will be announced soon.


Conference Sponsors: Graybill Endowment, CSU Department of Statistics, ASA Section on Statistics for the Environment (ENVR), CSU College of Natural Sciences.


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