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U.S. Congress recesses for the holidays without a final federal budget

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The U.S. Congress has left DC for the holidays, despite much unfinished business. As the end of the year approaches, little progress has been made on the appropriations bills for Fiscal Year 2024, which began on October 1.

The government is currently running under a continuing resolution, which expires on January 18 for four of the 12 appropriations bill and on February 2 for the remaining 8 bills. While the House has passed seven appropriations bills and the Senate has passed three, no bill has made it through both chambers.

Funding for many wildlife research and conservation programs is within the Department of the Interior and EPA bill. The House has passed an Interior/EPA bill, which contains many cuts from the previous fiscal year. The Senate bill has passed the appropriations committee, but not received a vote on the Senate floor. The continuing resolution provides funding for the agencies under this bill until February 2.

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