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Use already annotated files (.trn files from the BAS software)

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I'm interested in re-processing some BAS tag data anotated previously with BAS software in FLightR.

I would be very grateful if anybody can help me with this question:
Has anybody used some function/script to read the .lig and .trn files generated previously with BAS software to the TAGS format?


Thank you very much!


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thank you, but unfortunately this is not the solution to my question, as I also need to import the annotation (.trn) files, and there is no function for this. I would like to use the same annotation as before, to compare the outputs based on the same criteria, and without spending long times annotating previous datasets again.



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To the best of my knowledge, you can't open .trn files or other previously defined twilights, in the the various functions that define twilights.  I have always had to go back in and redefine them.  However, someone else may have a better response.


This twilight-free method may be of interest, but I haven't tested it on any of my data yet:


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thank you, I found it, it works like this:


transitions <- trnTrans("MK10_21510_Reconstructed_000.trn")
raw <- ligTrans("MK10 21510 Reconstructed_000.lig")

GeoLight2TAGS(raw=raw, gl_twl=transitions, threshold=10, filename = "prion21510.csv")




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