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Ornithology Exchange (brought to you by the Ornithological Council)

Colonial Waterbirds

    Sort Title: Colonial Waterbirds
    Title Abbreviation: Col. Waterbirds
    Publishing Organization: Waterbird Society
    Online Access: Unknown
    Geographic Scope: International
    Type: Journal
    Status: Inactive
    Start Year: 1981
    End Year: 1998
    Frequency: Four times per year
    Succeeding Title: Waterbirds

The Waterbird Society has published results of scientific research for over two decades beginning with a proceedings of papers presented at the annual meetings from 1978 to 1980 followed in 1981 by a refereed, international journal, formerly called Colonial Waterbirds. In 1999, the journal becameWaterbirds to reflect the society’s expanded focus on all aquatic birds and their habitats. The journal is produced by an editor and an international panel of associate editors and is open to submitted papers concerning the biology, conservation, and techniques of study of the world’s waterbirds including seabirds, wading birds, shorebirds, and waterfowl.

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