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Ornithology Exchange (brought to you by the Ornithological Council)


From http://www.ardeola.org/info:


Aims and scope


Ardeola is the official scientific journal of the Spanish Society of Ornithology (SEO/Birdlife), and it has been published since the Society's foundation in 1954. Ardeola has expanded his scope recently to provide a renewed forum for publication of studies on all aspects of ornithology, carried out both in Spain and elsewhere. Papers dealing with ornithology in the areas of Mediterranean climate and in the Neotropics, as well as with the conservation of birds and their habitats, are especially acknowledged.


Ardeola is issued twice at a year (June and December, one volume per year). The main body of the journal is composed by original articles and short notes. Accepted languages are Spanish and English, although the editorial staff encourages the use of English to prospective authors. The editorial staff will promote rapid publication of peer-reviewed manuscripts. Ardeola also publishes the official list of Spanish Rarities and the Checklist of Spanish names of the birds of the world, as well as reviews of most of the books received in the library of SEO/BirdLife and Spanish summaries of the papers dealing with ornithology in areas of Mediterranean climate which are published in other scientific journals.


International presence


Ardeola is present in some 200 libraries, mainly European but also American, African and Australian. Most of this presence comes from regular interchanges with some 160 ornithological publications, including leading journals in the field such as Ibis, Auk, Condor or Ardea. Additionally, Ardeola is indexed / abstracted in Biological Abstracts/BIOSIS, Current Awareness in Biological Sciences, the Recent Ornithological Literature published by Ibis, Emu and Auk, the Key Word Index of Wildlife Research, the Referativnyi Zhurnal, the Wildlife Review Abstracts, the French scientific database PASCAL, the Directorio Latindex (CINCOC; CSIC) and the Spanish database ICYT.


Recently, Ardeola has been selected for coverage in Thomson ISI® services. Beginning with volume 50(1) 2003, journal contents of Ardeola has been indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded®, ISI Alerting Services®, Current Contents®/Agriculture, Biology and Environmental Sciences®. ISI Journal Citation Report® Ranking 2006: 11 / 19(Ornithology). Impact Factor 2006: 0.593.


De http://www.ardeola.org/:


Ardeola es la revista científica oficial de la Sociedad Española de Ornitología (SEO/BirdLife) y se publica desde la fundación de la Sociedad en 1954. Recientemente, Ardeola ha extendido su ámbito de publicación para incluir estudios sobre todos los aspectos de la ornitología tanto en España como en el resto del mundo, aunque centrándose especialmente en las regiones de clima mediterráneo y en el Neotrópico, así como en trabajos aplicados sobre conservación de aves y sus habitats.


Ardeola se publica semestralmente (junio y diciembre, un volumen por año). El cuerpo principal de la revista lo componen artículos originales y notas breves escritos tanto en castellano como en inglés, aunque se recomienda el empleo de este último. El Comité Editorial promueve la rápida publicación de manuscritos sometidos a la revisión de ornitólogos expertos. Ardeola también publica la lista oficial de observaciones de Aves Raras en España y la de nombres en castellano de las aves del mundo, así como revisiones de la mayor parte de los libros que llegan a la biblioteca de SEO/BirdLife y resúmenes en castellano de trabajos ornitológicos realizados en regiones de clima mediterráneo que se publican en otras revistas científicas.

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