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Posts posted by PhysOrg

  1. A team of researchers from the University of Siegen's Institute of Biology in Germany, working with a colleague from Marburg University, also in Germany, has found that common swifts use daily torpor as a means of saving energy during their breeding season. In their paper published in the journal Biology Letters, the group describes their non-invasive study of the migratory birds and what they learned about their ability to save energy during cool nights in Europe during the breeding season.

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  2. Researchers at Tel Aviv University have found changes in the morphology of many birds in Israel over the past 70 years, which they interpret to be a response to climate change. The body mass of some species decreased, while in others body length increased—in both cases increasing the ratio between surface area and volume. The researchers contend that these are strategies to facilitate heat loss to the environment. The researchers state that "the birds evidently changed in response to the changing climate. However, this solution may not be fully adequate, especially as temperatures continue to rise."

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