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Posts posted by PhysOrg

  1. Ecoacoustics is an interdisciplinary science investigating soundscapes and their association with the environment over various temporal and spatial scales. Despite the data processing challenges (e.g., automated species identification), soundscape monitoring is now being recognized as a cost-effective way to measure biodiversity and assess ecosystem status under environmental change. However, how biophony (biologically produced sounds) varies with vegetation characteristics and topography remains largely unknown.

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  2. Scientists from the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, together with colleagues from the U.S. and Australia, have succeeded in demonstrating the complexity of species evolution and evolutionary processes by studying the genomic variability of two putative swallow species in Australia. Contrary to expectations, the team of scientists was able to demonstrate that the genetic information of the two bird species hardly differs, despite significantly different coloration and pattern of the plumage. Their study is published in Molecular Ecology.

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  3. A new study examines how the geographic characteristics of the world's islands influence seasonal variation in the number of bird species. The study determines how seasonal species richness of birds is affected by the size of the island, how isolated it is from the mainland and other islands, and the latitude in which it lies. The study's findings are published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

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