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Adrienne Fitzwilliam

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Everything posted by Adrienne Fitzwilliam

  1. Job Description: Experienced seasonal avian field technician will conduct demographic monitoring research and nest protection of the critically endangered Florida grasshopper sparrow with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission ($16.00/hr; 8 March-24 August 2024) in a team of 5. Technicians will assist with the collection of important breeding season data on the largest population of this rapidly declining grassland bird endemic to Florida. This position is an exciting opportunity to protect and conserve one of the most threatened birds in the United States while contributing to a large-scale demographic research project. Candidates will also help with the captive breeding and release program, a key component of the recovery effort for Florida grasshopper sparrows. This will be the fifth year of the program, and field technicians will be inextricably involved by resighting birds that were released in previous seasons to help measure the success of the program, as well as by helping with the release of birds bred in captivity. Florida’s rare and unique dry prairie habitat offers breathtaking grassland sunrises and frequent encounters with some of Florida’s finest wildlife. Pay is $16.00/hr (40hrs/week), with air-conditioned shared housing and 4x4 vehicles for work use provided on-site. Duties include: Conducting point count surveys, resighting color-banded individuals, finding and monitoring grassland bird nests, deploying nest cameras, protecting nests with predator deflection fences, conducting behavioral observations, collecting samples for disease analysis, catching and banding adults, banding nestlings, vegetation surveys, data entry, equipment maintenance, and implementing adaptive conservation biology protocols. During the 2024 field season, captive-bred birds will be released into the wild and technicians may also help with monitoring and caring for birds during the acclimation period in field aviaries and releasing birds into the wild. Qualifications: Preferred candidates will have extensive experience searching for and monitoring grassland bird nests. Previous experience trapping and banding passerines and resighting color bands using a spotting scope is also highly desired. Point count and nest-camera skills are a plus. Technicians must be organized, motivated, and adaptable to detailed fieldwork and data management protocols. Tolerance for high temperatures and extreme humidity is essential, as is the ability to live happily in a rural setting and close quarters with other field researchers. Applicant must have a valid U.S. driver's license, be authorized to work in the United States and pass a background check. Previous experience driving four-wheel drive trucks and ATVs in wet conditions is also preferred. Dedication, sensitivity, and attention to detail when working with a critically endangered bird is essential. To Apply: Candidates must submit in ONE document (.doc, .docx, or .pdf) a brief cover letter, CV, and the contact information for three professional references to FWCbio AT gmail.com. Please state in the subject line of the email the title of the position you are applying for: “FGSP technician position”. As part of your application, please complete this Google Form: https://forms.gle/Xw2cJHhjfjxNP6sg7. We are looking to fill this position ASAP and will review and contact applicants as we receive applications until the position is filled or the closing date.
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