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    Paula Gerstmayer
    • Employer: Laboratorio de Ecología de Aves, UNLP-CONICET
      Location: Reserva de la Biosfera ‘’Parque Costero Sur’' (MAB-UNESCO), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
      Country: Argentina
      Last Date to Apply: 09/30/2024
      Open Until Filled: No

    Two volunteers needed from 01 November 2024 to 23 December 2024 (minimum stay of 30 days, longer commitment will be preferred) for one long-term monitoring project at Reserva de la Biosfera ‘’Parque Costero Sur’' (MAB-UNESCO), northeast of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

    We study the impact of the invasion of the exotic plant, the Yellow flag (Iris pseudacorus), on the birds community  that uses coastal grassland for nesting (e.g., Yellow-winged Blackbird (Agelasticus thilius), Brown-and-yellow Marshbird (Pseudoleistes virescens), Scarlet-headed Blackbird (Amblyramphus holosericeus), Spectacled Tyrant (Hymenops perspicillatus)). They will eventually collaborate on other projects at the same study site on the  reproductive ecology of grasslands birds  Pipits (Anthus spp.) and White-browed Meadowlark (Leistes superciliaris), and forest birds using nest boxes (e.g., House Wren (Troglodytes aedon), Tufted tit-spinetail (Leptasthenura platensis), Saffron Finch (Sicalis flaveola), White-rumped Swallow (Tachycineta leucorrhoa)). 

    We collect information on reproductive success, chick growth rates, population trends and behavior ecology. Field work will consist of territory spot mapping, nest monitoring, census, banding, conducting behavioral observations, and vegetation measurements. Research works are part of PhD thesis at Universidad Nacional de La Plata.

    Volunteers will live at a rustic field camp 10 km from the nearest town. Applicants must get along well with others, be willing to work hard, and be self-motivated. Good physical condition, ability to make careful observations, and knowledge of Spanish is preferred.

    We provide lodging and required equipment. Volunteers must provide their own airfare to Buenos Aires, Argentina, and transportation from Buenos Aires to La Plata (55 km). Volunteers are required to pay a fee ($50 USD/week) to cover food, lodging and help defray costs to project.

    TO APPLY: Please send a cover letter and resume (including the names, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of 2 references) to PAULA GERSTMAYER paugerstmayer@ilpla.edu.ar  with the subject ‘Volunteer Opportunity 2024’.

    Further information to applicants will be provided and doubts cleared by e-mail.

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