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  • Morning Flight Counter

    • Employer: Maryland Biodiversity Project
      Location: Dans Rock, Maryland
      Country: United States
      Last Date to Apply: No value
      Open Until Filled: Yes


    Arrive at count site pre-dawn and carefully monitor the morning’s bird migration activity

    Identify and count all species of birds detected

    Report all data via the Trektellen app in near-real time (mobile device and WiFi pack will be provided)

    Report all bird taxa and counts to eBird for the day

    Document all rare bird sightings with a combination of notes and media (photos, videos, and/or audio recordings). Submit documentation of any “reviewable” species to the MD/DCRC.

    Submit selected highlight observations with media via the iNaturalist application with Creative Commons permissions for automated ingestion by MBP database.

    Provide regular write-ups for posting to the project blog (posted by others on the team)

    Coordination with Turkey Point and Cape May counters is encouraged


    Exceptional bird identification skills, especially birds in flight

    Strong understanding of eastern U.S. birds and bird migration

    Expertise documenting birds and using the eBird platform

    Meticulous data collection and note-taking skills

    Willingness to work under occasional challenging field conditions

    Punctual and reliable

    Excellent organizational skills with the ability to multitask

    Excellent written and oral communication skills

    Strong work ethic and consistently professional behavior both in person and on-line


    $2,000 per month. Lodging will be provided.


    Please apply directly with the Maryland Biodiversity Project by sending an e-mail with resume and cover letter to Jim Brighton at jimbrighton3@gmail.com. Personal references encouraged.

    We are committed to building a diverse team and strongly encourage all qualified professionals to apply. The Maryland Biodiversity Project is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, age, national origin, ethnic background, religion, disability or any other characteristic protected by law.

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    You can edit or delete jobs that were posted under your account. To edit a job, scroll to the bottom of the job posting and click "Edit". To delete a job, scroll to the bottom and click the Job Actions button, then click Delete.

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