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  • PhD Assistantship: Scaling management linked to sustainable forestry for priority songbirds in West Virginia

    • Employer: West Virginia University
      Location: Morgantown, WV
      Country: United States
      Last Date to Apply: 07/15/2024
      Open Until Filled: Yes

    The Division of Forestry and Natural Resources at West Virginia University is searching for a Ph.D. student to monitor avian populations with a focus on Golden-winged Warblers (Vermivora chrysoptera), Cerulean Warblers (Setophaga cerulea) and Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustellina), in West Virginia. These high-priority breeding songbirds have been experiencing range-wide population declines. Although these species each require different habitat conditions for nesting, each also uses a variety of forest structure and age classes as the breeding season progresses from nesting to post-fledging. Forest management planning at the stand and landscape scale must consider the range of habitat needs for breeding forest birds, from nesting to post-fledging, to ensure the diversity of forest structure and age classes to meet known requirements. 

    This research is a continuation of ongoing work on large, private working forests of West Virginia, with cooperation from 4 institutional forest owners.  The work is a collaboration among the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Sustainable Forestry Initiative, American Bird Conservancy, Appalachian Mountain Joint Venture, and National Council for Air and Stream Improvement Inc.. This phase will work with collaborators to implement a “shifting mosaic” style of forest harvest to maximize opportunities for target species occupancy and abundance responses. The student will use standard point count protocols and Autonomous Recording Units (ARUs), to monitor those responses. This phase will occur across a broad region in West Virginia, and there will be multiple survey teams monitoring songbird responses and coordinating management. There is an opportunity to develop and design additional questions for bird community level responses to management, or other West Virginia State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP) species specific questions. 

    The student will be working towards a Ph.D. in Wildlife and Fisheries Resources at West Virginia University. STARTING DATE: August 2024. The ideal applicant must be able to identify central Appalachian avian species by sight and by sound and have experience conducting point count surveys. Applicant should also be familiar with collecting structural habitat measurements including but not limited to; DBH, canopy cover (using spherical densitometers), Robel pole, Daubenmire frame, etc. Preference will be given to applicants with avian survey and GIS experience. Applicants should be comfortable working long days in the field during hot summer months, ready to travel, and energetic and excited about applied avian conservation research. Applicants will also be responsible for hiring and supervising research technicians to assist with research duties. Applicants must have completed a BS and MS in Wildlife Biology, Ecology, or a closely related field. Applicants with peer-reviewed publications are preferred. Applicants must have a minimum of 300 combined GRE score (V+Q) or 1100 on the previous scale, and a minimum 3.25 GPA. To Apply: Electronic applications are preferred. To apply send a single file including: 1) a cover letter outlining any relevant work experiences with Golden-winged and Cerulean Warblers, Wood thrush, and with general bird surveys and identification, 2) resumé including an unofficial copy of transcripts and GRE scores, and 3) contact information for 3 references to Dr. Chris Lituma; cml0017@mail.wvu.edu 

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