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Capitol Hill Briefing on Neonicotinoids, Birds, and Bees

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Imidacloprid structure overlaying honeycomb of the Western honey bees (Credit: Williamseanohlinger/Wikimedia, and Waugsberg/Wikimedia)
On Tuesday, March 19, Congressional staff, members of the press, and the public attended a briefing about the toxic effects of neonicotinoid pesticides (NNI) and their impact on birds, bees, and other wildlife. The briefing occurred just days after the European Commission opted not to ban three of the NNIs (clothianidin, imidacloprid, and thiametoxam). NNIs are a class of systemic neuronal insecticides, related to nicotine, which were initially introduced to replace highly toxic organophosphates.

View the full article from The Wildlife Society's Wildlife Policy News


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