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This new treaty is great news for the oceans and people. @ABCbirds' goal is to ensure that seabirds get proper consideration in the new protected areas and environmental assessments that follow this historic achievement. [apnews.com] 📸Wandering Albatros

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This new treaty is great news for the oceans and people. @ABCbirds' goal is to ensure that seabirds get proper consideration in the new protected areas and environmental assessments that follow this historic achievement. https://apnews.com/article/un-oceans-biodiversity-treaty-0b024fa07e8c1947236d8b8491ebf92c

📸Wandering Albatross by Streeteh https://twitter.com/ABCbirds/status/1632818550699073537/photo/1 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FqjvwsJWAAEKOTp.jpg:large


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