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Three Raptor Field Techniques Workshops to be Held in 2023


Join instructors Eugene Jacobs of Raptor Services LLC, Stevens Point, Wisconsin, or the Hawk Mountain Sanctuary staff in Kempton, Pennsylvania, for a four-to-five day workshop. There will be a raptor nesting-season workshop at Hawk Mountain on 13–16 July 2023. Workshops to study raptors during migration will be held in Wisconsin (9–13 October 2023) and Pennsylvania (9–12 November 2023). These workshops are appropriate for novices or new raptor scientists interested in hands-on experience with techniques used to study nesting or migrating raptors. Participants will participate directly in real research projects and learn about trapping methods, handling raptors, measurements, blood sampling, telemetry and more! Registration Required. For details or to register for July or November 2023 workshops at Hawk Mountain, visit www.hawkmountain.org/events/raptor-field-techniques-course. To register for the 2023 October workshop in Wisconsin email gene@raptorresearch.com. 

Raptor field course 2023.pdf

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