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"Teaching Tech Together" Released

Auriel Fournier

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Any of you who have talked with me about teaching R for any length of time have heard me talk about how 'life changing' the instructor training I received through Data Carpentry and Software Carpentry as been. A big part of that is because Software Carpentry was founded by Greg Wilson, and he has spent a LOT of time thinking about teaching, and learning from the best pedagogical research on how to teach coding.

Greg just released a new book all about teaching technology, and while not all of will apply to teaching R, this is 100% what I recommend folks read if they want to learn how to teach coding based on the best science of how people learn. Greg is also fantastic at building practices into his classrooms that are welcoming to new comers and make sure that some of the barriers that those with great experience sometimes put up without thinking are broken down.

The book is available open source online, more info here.



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