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Third International Rusty Blackbird Conservation Workshop

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Third International Rusty Blackbird Conservation Workshop

Request for Abstracts


The Third Rusty Blackbird Research and Conservation Workshop (16-18

October 2012) will be held in conjunction with Bridging the

Implementation Gap: Bird Conservation Conference in the Northeast (17-19

October) at the Radisson Hotel in Plymouth, MA. Conference details and

registration information can be found at

www.birdconservationconference.org as they become available. We

welcome presentations and posters on all aspects of Rusty Blackbird

ecology and conservation.


Abstract Submission:

Please send abstract as e-mail attachment to GreenbergR@si.edu by 1

August 2012. Late submissions will be considered as time permits.


Paper Sessions:

● Breeding Season Ecology and Conservation

● Migration and Wintering Period Ecology and Conservation

● Implications of Climate Change for Rusty Blackbird Ecology


Poster Session:

● Any aspect of Rusty Blackbird ecology and conservation


Work Sessions will be held to discuss research needs, conservation

strategies and implementation strategies. Time will also be provided

for regional groups to discuss coordinated research opportunities.


Abstract Format: Please use 12 pt. Times New Roman, and include the


● Preference for presentation or poster

● Names of all authors

● Name, title, affiliation, email address, phone number of

presenting author.

● Abstract Title

● Abstract (300 words or less, no graphics)


Notification: Applicants will be notified regarding acceptance of

proposals by 15 August 2012.



Required Submission of Registration by Presenters: Wednesday, September




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