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Looking for Nest Surveillance Camera Equipment


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Hello! I am a Master's student at the University of Arkansas, and in a few weeks I'll be looking for grassland bird nests to monitor. It has been difficult to receive funding, so I am asking all of you if you have or know someone who has nest surveillance camera equipment I can borrow for the summer seasons of 2017 and 2018. I have a little bit of money so we may be able to work something out there. 


Ideally, I'd want a self-contained system where a DVR is NOT required. In other words, the memory card (~128 GB) should fit right into the camera itself instead of using a separate unit. Ability to record good images (e.g. 4 MP or 1440p HD) day and night is preferred. It should be able to hold marine batteries 12V (or more) 24-amp/hr.


So if you have any of the following items (details outlined above) that you are willing to lend out for the duration of my study, please contact me:



-SD memory cards

-battery chargers (batteries themselves would be difficult/too heavy to mail)


Thank you!


Alyssa DeRubeis


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