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Micro helicopters leave the nest


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Within the framework of the EU project sFly, researchers at ETH Zurich have developed a new type of flying robot that can be navigated using only on-board cameras and a miniature computer. The micro helicopters require neither GPS nor remote control, thus reaching a new level of autonomy.


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OK, so this article wasn't really about birds. But I approved it anyway because it got me to wondering how this could be applied to research purposes. Imagine this: a micro-helicopter flies to a remote and inaccessible location and drops off a device that can record audio and transmit it back to a base station or satellite. No need for an observer to go tromping across dangerous terrain to do surveys. Or have the helicopter fly a strip transect recording audio or video, basically like aerial surveys without the human observer. Anybody else think this has possibility? I'm sure they are cheap <_>

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