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A Life-History Study of the Andean Condor available from Smithsonian

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A LIFE-HISTORY STUDY OF THE ANDEAN CONDOR in modern terms is available from the Smithsonian Museum archives:



The investigation employs contemporary techniques in the analyses of behavior and ecology. Specific objectives are:

  • to describe simple behavior patterns and postures and determine their functions;
  • to describe the formation and maintenance of pair bonds and the organization of reproductive activities among parents and young;
  • to isolate characteristic social relations among condors of different sex-and-age classes, migratory status, and populations and to isolate basic principles of social structure;
  • to describe interspecific relations, relating variation for different species and localities to ecological factors;
  • to describe feeding behavior of condors and other avian scavengers and determine food relations among competing species;
  • to gain an understanding of how condors fly; to describe mortality factors;
  • and, finally, to survey how condors have influenced various South American cultures.

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