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Short course on teaching individual/agent-based modeling, July 18-22

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Humboldt State University will conduct our sixth annual summer short course on individual-based (agent-based) modeling, July 18-22, 2016. The course is intended primarily for university faculty interested in teaching their own modeling courses, but we also encourage participants interested mainly in research applications.

The course will be based on the textbook "Agent-based and Individual-based Modeling: A Practical Introduction" by Railsback and Grimm: http://www.railsback-grimm-abm-book.com/ and led by Steve Railsback, Volker Grimm, and Steve Lytinen. The course's main goal will be to introduce participants to both the software - NetLogo - and the modeling concepts in the book, to the point that they can then teach themselves and others how to become productive modelers. We will focus especially on developing NetLogo skill and understanding, via exercises and projects with a high level of instructor interaction.

The course will be held this year at Humboldt State, in the heart of northern California's beautiful redwood coast. The fee is expected to be $600, which includes instruction and materials, social events, and lunches. Participants will provide their own transportation to and lodging in Arcata; low-cost campus lodging wll be available.

Applications are being accepted until April 8th. Additional information and the short application form are at: http://www2.humboldt.edu/ibm/


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