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Spatial capture-recapture training workshops, Summer 2016

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Two spatial capture-recapture (SCR) training workshops.  The workshops have overlapping content, but different duration (hence intensity). Instructors for both workshops are David Borchers, Ben Stevenson and Eric Rexstad of the Univ of St Andrews. Each workshop is limited to 30 participants.


The workshops will cover the key concepts underlying SCR methods, and provide training in use of the methods. They will cover binary, count and time-to-detection data types, and all kinds of detectors, including camera traps, hair snares, acoustic detectors, mist nets and single-catch traps, and transect and area searches. Participants will get hands-on training in estimating density, abundance and related parameters.  Issues of measures of precision and model selection will be discussed.  Use of SCR with spatially-referenced variables for generating predictions of animal density and habitat use across landscapes will be covered.


Training workshop in Seattle 26 June 2016.  One day workshop held immediately prior to the International Statistical Ecology Conference on the campus of the University of Washington.  Workshop will introduce participants to SCR methods ranging from the most basic to the most recently developed.  Some example analyses (using R) will be conducted during the workshop.


Further information and registration details for Seattle workshop can be found at



Training workshop in St Andrews 29-31 August 2016.  Target audience is biologists/ecologists who intend to, or are currently using spatial capture-recapture methods for the estimation of abundance/density/distribution.  The workshop will be hands-on, primarily using the R package 'secr', although mention will be made of other software.  Participants are encouraged to bring their own data formatted for use by 'secr' or 'admbsecr' (primarily for acoustic data). Familiarity with the R language is assumed and will be aided with pre-workshop online tutorials.


Further information and registration details for St Andrews workshop can be found at


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