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Call for Papers: Stable Isotopes in Zooarchaeology

Chris Merkord

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The first official meeting of the Stable Isotopes in Zooarchaeology working group will take place at the University of Georgia, in Athens, Georgia, USA, from 3-5 March, 2016. Please visit the website at zooarchisotopes.wordpress.com for complete information. 
The website is now live and able to accept your abstracts and registration, and also contains hotel and travel information. More information will be added to the program section over the next few weeks. The deadline for abstracts is December 15, 2015. Since this will be our first meeting, the call is very broad. Our theme is "data management and new directions". 

The University is home to the Zooarchaeology Laboratory at the Georgia Museum of Natural History as well as Center for Applied Isotope Studies, which houses the new Quaternary Isotope Paleoecology Lab. We anticipate organizing laboratory tours during the afternoon of the second day. There will also be a workshop on utilizing the Neotoma Paleoecology database, which will be adding the capability to store and serve stable isotope data within the next few weeks. 

Athens is a very walkable city about 70 miles east of Atlanta, GA, with plenty of accommodation and restaurants. Additional information on travel and hotels is available on the website. There is a block of rooms reserved at the Georgia Center Hotel and Conference Center, where the meeting will take place.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the group coordinators, Suzanne Pilaar Birch  [sepbirch@uga.edu] or Catherine West [cfwest@bu.edu]. You can also email the central conference email [sizwg2016@gmail.com].



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