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AFO Avian Research Supplies and Biodiversity Research Institute team up

Fern Davies

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Avian Research Supplies


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Dear Friends and AFO members,


This letter serves as the announcement that the Association of Field Ornithologists (AFO) has entered a partnership with Biodiversity Research Institute (BRI) for the operation of AFO's Avian Research Supplies business. The decision to make a change was carefully considered by AFO councilors and advisors through an RFP process. As always this business will be managed as a non-profit business to serve the needs of ornithologists. 


AFO's mist net business was started by E. Alexander Bergstrom in the 1950s and has been operated at Manomet Center For Conservation Sciences by Jennie Robbins and Brian Harrington since 1972. The consistent and dedicated work of Jennie and Brian will forever be remembered by AFO. Proceeds from the business directly support opportunities for students and researchers through AFO's E. Alexander Bergstrom Memorial Research Award, the Pamela and Alexander F. Skutch Research Award, and student travel awards. 

The new web address to purchase supplies is www.avianresearchsupplies.org
and the physical address of the business is:
Avian Research Supplies 
c/o Biodiversity Research Institute
276 Canco Road, 
Portland, ME, 04103. 
All e-mails can be directed to afonets@briloon.org, and Dana Palm, Avian Research Supplies Manager, can be reached at (207) 839-7600 x 238. Importantly, AFO members can receive a 10% member discount by using the coupon code "AFO" at checkout


For our part at BRI, we are happy to see this work continue under our care in the same spirit. We welcome your input to help Avian Research Supplies meet your needs. Please help us by:


(1)  Making recommendations for new product offerings,

(2)  Sharing photos of past and present AFO grant awardees for use on the online storefront (include the name, location, caption, date, AFO award, and photo credit with permission to use by ARS for the website and promotion),

(3)  Ordering supplies and providing an honest review of your experience at the ARS storefront, and

(4)  Sharing this news with colleagues and reminding them about the benefits of AFO membership and purchasing supplies from ARS.


E-mail information to afonets@briloon.org. Many thanks for your help. As always, this is a business run by ornithologists for ornithologists.


                                                    Sincerely yours,


                                                    Patrick Keenan, Dana Palm,                                                                                   David C. Evers and all of us at BRI 

The Association of Field Ornithologists (AFO) is a membership organization dedicated to the study and conservation of birds and their natural habitats. The AFO prides itself as serving as a bridge between the professional and the amateur ornithologist. The organization's membership and governing council consist of both amateur and professional ornithologists, in recognition of the contributions that both make to ornithology.


The mission of Biodiversity Research Institute, now in its 17th year, is to assess emerging threats to wildlife and ecosystems through collaborative research, and to use scientific findings to advance environmental awareness and inform decision makers. BRI's research encompasses a variety of ecological stressors: physical contaminants such as plastics pollution as well as chemical toxins such as mercury and petroleum pollution. For more information, please see www.briloon.org.



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