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Ornithology Exchange (brought to you by the Ornithological Council)

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*2015 JOINT MEETING OF THE SCO-SOC, AFO, and WOS at Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia,16-19 July 2015.  The Society of Canadian Ornithologists / Société des ornithologistes du Canada, the Association of Field Ornithologists, and the Wilson Ornithological Society will hold their joint 2015 annual meetings at Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia (acadiau.ca/index.php), from Thursday through Saturday, 16 - 18 July 2015, preceded by council meetings.


Thursday afternoon will include a WOS-sponsored workshop on mentoring, and field trips are planned for Sunday, 19 July. DAVE SHUTLER (EM: dave.shutler@acadiau.ca) is chair of the local organizing committee. 


We encourage student participation and will offer student travel awards. Please see the meeting website (http://personalpress.acadiau.ca/ornithmeet2015/) for details and application criteria for student travel awards; the deadline will be 15 Feb 2015. In addition, student presenters who are first author of a paper (the students can give either an oral or poster presentation) will be given a free ticket for the closing banquet. 


Highlights of the scientific program include the WOS Margaret Morse Nice Lecture and a symposium. Erica Dunn, recipient of the 2015 Nice medal, will give the opening plenary lecture on Friday, co-sponsored by the WOS and SCO-SOC, about the history and future of North American bird observatories. On Saturday, the societies will host a symposium on “Movement Ecology in the Gulf of Maine”.  Post-conference field trips currently planned include bird- and whale-watching from Brier Island, a hike to Cape Split, and a bus tour of local wineries. 


The deadline for receipt of Abstracts by the Scientific Program Committee will be 1 Apr 2015. Continually updated conference information will available on the meeting web site; please contact MARTIN G. RAPHAEL (EM:mraphael@fs.fed.us), scientific program chair, with any questions about the program or submission process. Abstracts for both oral and poster presentations will be reviewed by the scientific program committee who will select and organize presentations in appropriate sessions based on the scientific content of the abstract. Abstract submission will be online only; abstracts will not be accepted by fax or e-mail. If all oral presentation sessions are filled, it may be necessary to accept some abstracts for poster presentations instead of oral presentations.

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