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Bobolink Conservation Project in Argentina is looking for researchers

Guest Ayelen Muchiutti

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Guest Ayelen Muchiutti

Aves Argentinas, a BirdLife International partner, is starting a project devoted to conservation of Bobolink (Dolichonyx orizyvorus) over the non-breeding areas.


The conservation project will seek to enhance the Bobolink as emblematic migratory specie for the area and region, by integration of conservation with local agricultural production inside San Javier Important Bird Area (IBA-Santa Fe).

As a part of this initiative, a project component is trying to support research activities that generate critical information for future development actions of conservation on the context of the hemispheric conservation plan. There are funds –  

$US 6,000.00- to support on-the-ground research activities that can be applied to deep ongoing studies on the species.

After some interviews with specialists -Adrian Di Giacomo and Rosalind Renfrew- have been defined that the research focus should follow the next topics:


Basic research

Patterns of local and regional movements

Behavior and habitat use

Seasonal survival (in non-breeding area)

Diet and nutrition of the species (rice and other native species)

Body condition at the end of the period of hyperphagia associated with differences in land use (sites with contrasting rice area)


Applied research

Impact of hazards on the population

Trafficking of the species for use as bird cage

Use of pesticides in rice-lethal bird control

Identification of best practices to conserve the species

Impact of hazards on the population



The scholarship offers a fund up to $US 3,000.00 per project or also can be just one proposal for $US 6,000.00. If you have interest in participating in the research component of the project, please send an email to Miss Ayelén Muchiutti (ayelenm.avesargentinas@gmail.com) with your proposal.


It is essential for the development of the application present the following points:

1. Introduction

2. Objectives

3. Methodology and Schedule

4. Budget

5. Expected results


The deadline for submitting projects is 12/10/2014.

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