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Need for banding station collaboration! (yearly stipend possible)


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Hello fellow bird banders,


I am part of a three-university research team that is investigating the ecology of tick and pathogen invasions (e.g., black legged ticks and Lyme disease). We're submitting a grant proposal with the primary goal of determining the degree to which wild birds are involved as hosts for ticks and associated pathogens, and transporting them to new locations. We plan to form a network of banding stations across the midwest and south-central US from which we will collect data on ticks and pathogens carried by birds.


We are particularly interested in working with stations that could check for and sample ticks, as well as blood samples - even if only on a subset of days. Ideal stations will operate in the spring and fall, but we're happy to work with summer-operating stations as well. If the grant is funded, participating stations would be issued an annual stipend, as well as all supplies and training necessary.


Currently we're trying to gauge how much interest there is in the possibility of forming a network throughout the year. If you are interested please contact me at cmroy2@illinois.edu.


Happy fall!

Christine M. Parker | MS Student

Program in Natural Resources & Environmental Science | UIUC

Cell: 518-637-7915

Email: cmroy2@illinois.edu

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