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update on xeno-canto


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We recently sent an update to registered users of www.xeno-canto.org (XC). Chris Merkord suggested some members of this forum might be interested so we post a slightly edited version here: 


Thanks to all the contributions from the community, XC had its most productive year ever in 2013. Some basic statistics: 44000+ recordings, 800+ hours of audio, and almost 6000 bird species uploaded in 2013. That's about the same as the first 4 years of XC combined.

Some other highlights from 2013:

  • about 400 new recordists joined (bringing the total to 1500+).In every single month there were more than 130 contributors.

  • nearly 500 new species that were not previously available on xeno-canto were added to the collection. The total number is now around 8850.

  • of course the recordings were also listened to and used in many different ways. We are particularly pleased with the use of the collection for (conservation) science. A search on Google scholar already turns up 89 hits for 2013 ( and 342 for the period 2005-2013).

  • in 2013 we've encouraged the recordists to upload longer recordings. We think that has been a resounding success. Many very nice long recordings were uploaded.

  • We decided on a format to handle translations of the site and found a few recordists ready to translate the site into French, Spanish, German, Norwegian, Dutch, Polish. If your language is not yet available and you would like to help with translations, drop us a line.

The news archive for 2013 (www.xeno-canto.org/news-archives.php?y=2013) mentions some more entertaining and interesting facts.

One thing we are quite excited about is LifeCLEF 2014 (www.imageclef.org/lifeclef/2014). This is an initiative that will see groups specialised in signal processing and machine learning from all over the world tackling automated bird sound recognition using a subset of data from xeno-canto. If you are interested in participating in such a challenge, do check out their site.


team xeno-canto, Bob, Willem-Pier, Sander, Jonathon

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