Mission statement
Wader Study aims to promote research and awareness of wader issues to a global audience, including professional and amateur ornithologists.
Aims and Scope
Wader Study is an international scientific ornithological journal published by the International Wader Study Group. Wader Study is a dedicated outlet for original research and commentary on all aspects of wader biology, ecology and conservation. It also publishes society related issues, and matters of interest to the wader community. All published scientific studies (empirical and theoretical) are peer-reviewed and have direct relevance to the ecology and/or conservation of this group of birds.
Wader Study also serves as a forum for debate and discussion with contributions dedicated to engaging authors and readers with different backgrounds. The aim of these commentaries is to unite wader enthusiasts around the world, including professionals and amateurs. Wader Study is published three times a year in April, August and December.
Wader Study is the new international journal of shorebird science, taking over from Wader Study Group Bulletin from January 2015 (volume 122). Wader Study publishes peer-reviewed papers on the results of shorebird research from all parts of the world. It provides a forum for wader-related news, notices, advances in study techniques, expedition reports as well as comment and debate concerning shorebird research and conservation. It includes our Ageing and Sexing series.
We encourage amateur and professional scientists to submit their manuscripts to the journal, whether they are from preliminary studies and descriptive work, or completed scientific studies on any aspect of wader biology. Publishing manuscripts in Wader Study will ensure people studying and conserving waders throughout the world learn of your work.
Like the Bulletin, Wader Study is published three times per year and is included in the annual IWSG subscription.
- Serials linking to this serial: Wader Study Group Bulletin
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