The Kingbird, a quarterly journal, is devoted exclusively to New York State ornithology. Field reports of rarities, often with photographs, are a regular feature, along with general articles on birds and bird behavior, and good birding areas. A bibliography of New York State ornithology and publication of the actions of NYSARC (New York State Avian Records Committee) are regular features.
No longer are the birds shown in The Kingbird relegated to shades of gray! The recent addition of color photographs is a long-awaited improvement that has been greeted with cheers of joy from all sides.
The most important function of The Kingbird is the seasonal recording by the birders of migration data, and breeding and distributional changes. This data is compiled by a team of ten Regional Editors from information supplied to them by individual birders and presented quarterly according to season. All are encouraged to submit their field observations.
Since January 2010, NYSOA has made back issues of The Kingbird available online for research and educational purposes. This searchable archive contains all but the most recent 2-3 years' issues.
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