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Newsletter (Australian Seabird Group)

    Sort Title: Newsletter (Australian Seabird Group)
    Title Abbreviation: Newsl. (Aust. Seab. Group)
    Publishing Organization: Australian Seabird Group
    Online Access: Unknown
    Language: English
    Geographic Scope: International
    , Australia, New Zealand,
    Type: Newsletter
    Status: Inactive
    Start Year: 1973
    End Year: 1975
    Frequency: Two times per year
    ISSN: 0310-1282

The Australian Seabird Group began publishing its newsletter in January 1973, less than two years after the organization was formed. When the organization renamed itself the Australasian Seabird Group in 1976, the newsletter also changed names.


The newsletter was published in January and September from 1973 to 1975. The January 1976 issue was published under the new name.

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