Subtitle: Godisnjak odejela za Ornitologiju, Instituta za Biologiju Sveucilista u zagrebu
Sort Title: Larus
Title Abbreviation: Larus
Online Access: Unknown
Geographic Scope: National
, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia,
Type: Journal
Status: Active
Start Year: 1947
ISSN: 0350-5189
Indexed By:
BIOSIS Previews
Publisher: Hrvatska Akademija Znanosti i Umjetnosti
This is the orginal version of the journal in Croation. An English translation is published under ISSN 0350-7416. Vols. for 1947- available from the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, Springfield; from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield.
See more from the Library of Congress (USA):
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