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Ornithology Exchange (brought to you by the Ornithological Council)


    Subtitle: The Yearbook of the Hungarian Council for the Protection of Birds of Prey and the Raptor Conservation Department of MME BirdLife Hungary
    Sort Title: Heliaca
    Title Abbreviation: Heliaca
    Journal Website: http://www.mme.hu/heliaca-evkonyv
    Online Access: Open access to all volumes
    Language: Hungarian
    Language for Abstracts: English
    Geographic Scope: National
    Type: Journal
    Status: Active
    Start Year: 2004
    Frequency: Once per year
    ISSN: 1585-5716
    eISSN: 1585-5716
    http://www.mme.hu/heliaca-evkonyv 1–current [2004– ] MME

This yearbook of Hungarian field ornithologists provide annual results of most relevant studies on birds of prey in the country.

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